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Tiniséf program

CSR, educational program to motivate children (from 6 to 14) and through them their family for healthy eating and lifestyle. Creating and managing TV, radio, online, print, POS instore campaign and related PR activities.

Roadshow színpad_01.3
Roadshow Kamion_01.4

Teenchef Roadshow

Organizing and managing roadshow with the participation of 1500 children in 10 occasions and locations.

Tiniséf cookbook 

Production from scratch to shelves: design, photography, layout, editing, publishing


“Fans of School” Program

CSR program for schools aiming to promote healthy lifestyle for children and families. Full spectrum ATL campaign with TV, online, print and BTL activity with the participation of about 1000 schools through PR, press events, instore placement.


Tesco Online

Creating and producing TV advertisements for Tesco online shopping.


Internal communication 

Tesco in-house magazine for employees 

Design, copywriting and production.


Cloudless Childhood

Creative development of CSR promotions for Tesco.


Business Day

Event organization, management and creative development of Tesco Business Day the yearly meeting of Tesco Hungary’s management team with 250 participants (also including catering, providing proper technology and producing items for the event).

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